Series Title: Brothers From Other Mothers
Series Rating: Ranging from PG to R
Series Summary: From those shared gummy bears, Kurt Hummel, Finn Hudson, Noah Puckerman, and Samuel Evans were the tightest knit of friends in all of Lima. These are their stories of family, heartbreak, mistakes, romance, friendship and brotherhood.
Series Notes: This will be an ongoing series in which the title "Brothers From Other Mothers" is the name of the entire series. Each "section" or "part" will have it's own title. As of right now, the rating will be fairly low due to the ages of the boys but, will eventually creep into "Mature" territory as the boys grow up. There will be a fair amount of slash and het pairings, following canon. Though I am marking this story as AU, it will follow some of the story lines from both Seasons. Some definite pairings I already have in mind are Kurt/Blaine, Sam/Mercedes, Finn/? and Puck/? (there's likely to be some experimentation going on with the boys (not necessarily with each other) so don't expect Kurt to always want Blaine or some clear cut romance. There's going to be some confusion and betrayal going on...)
I suppose that is it for now. I don't own Glee, but I honestly don't think I'd want to. I'm an introvert, Glee garners too much attention lol.
Enjoy. xoxo
Ice Cream Soup Arc