25 is for.... hmm... I guess, fractals. Draw a 5-point star and make each of its 5 legs another 5 pointed star. Then draw do this again. Usually I'd run out of space here but already the thing's looking pretty damn sweet. Technically I suppose 5^2 + 5^1 + 5^0 = 31 stars total, not 25, but I guess this is just what comes to mind when I think of 25.
I think 25 minutes remaining is when television shows get interesting. The first 35 minutes always goes like this: (60) cliffhanger intro (57) main theme (55) commercial (50) partial resolution to cliffhanger (45) commercial (40) plot filler (30) commercial (25) action!
(15) commercial (10) resolution with new cliffhanger (2) next episode preview
cough HEROES cough