Looking for 2 (maybe 3) Fics: Booklist tampered and Dementors Kiss the Dursly's

Jun 25, 2020 20:40

Hi everyone! Just a post to see if anyone recognizes these scenes and possibly know offhand which fics they come from.

Fic 1A) The first fic is an AU off-shoot from first year in which when arriving at the first postion class of the year, Harry notices the coat hooks/pegs on the wall and promptly hangs up his robes causing everyone in the class to follow suit. Snape is shocked when he arrives that someone finally either used their brain or read the supliment book, I'm not sure, which brings up my next point.
* FOUND : For Want of A Groundskeeper by Scarlet_Gryphon

Fic 1B) I really think this is the same fic as above but I could always be wrong. Severus asks why students didn't read the prepare guide or something of that nature and no one even knew they were suppose to get it. Either Harry or I think Semus hands over their scool list which is missing not only books from Snape's class on it but for the others as well. He takes the list to Sprout (maybe Flitwick too) who is understandably fuming mad. Not sure if McGonnagles book list was cut too or if it was just the other three.
* EDIT - Does not seem to be the above fic, I remember a huge outrage in the teachers lounge so I'll keep looking for this one

* Also any recomendations of other stories where Dumbledore is underminding the class book list is welcome. I think I've seen at least 2 which is why I'm not sure if I am thinking of 1 or 2 fics with this.

Fic 2) This one I know is somewhere out there. It's a Revenge-Time Travel Harry who arrives back in the past the same night (or the day before) the Dementors show up at #4 and just packs his stuff and leaves them. The Order panics when the Dursly's are found Kissed and Harry is no where to be found.

Thanks in advance! :)

*Cross-posted to hp_ficsearch

time-travel, dark!harry, shyharry, au

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