Title: Destined to be Enemies...?
hpfangirl71Rating: PG Implied Slash, Inner Angst and mention of a previous kiss.
Word count: 100
Characters/pairings: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Challenge:Written for the
dracoharry100 prompt #204: Election Also written for
fandomwords100Prompt #19: Gems/Jewels
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine.
No money is being made from this fiction,which is presented for entertainment purposes only.
Beta:No Beta, All mistakes are my own
A/N: Draco thinks about what Potter's kiss might mean... This drab is the 10th in a series I'm calling The Liquid Luck Series
Destined To Be Enemies…? By HPFangirl71
Draco was visibly shaken when he arrived in his dorm; luckily, no one was around to witness his panic. His thoughts filled with images of jewel green eyes burning with lust and the overwhelming sensation of Potter’s kiss. Why the bloody hell had Potter elected to kiss him in the first place?
Potter was having him on for some reason. They didn’t even like each other for Merlin‘s sake so why was he letting this affect him? This had to be a trick! He was certain it had to be! He and Potter were destined to be enemies… weren‘t they?
Title: An Eventful Distraction
hpfangirl71Rating: PG Adult Drinking and Implied House Prejudice
Word count: 100
Characters/pairings: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Challenge:Written for the
dracoharry100 prompt #205: Playoffs Also written for
fandomwords100Prompt #19: Gems/Jewels
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine.
No money is being made from this fiction,which is presented for entertainment purposes only.
Beta:No Beta, All mistakes are my own
A/N: Draco tries distracting himself from the thought of Potter's kiss with some eventful results... This drab is the 11th in a series I'm calling The Liquid Luck Series
An Eventful Distraction by HPFangirl71
Draco sat in the pub nursing a Firewhiskey while half-heartedly participating in a debate over the upcoming Quidditch playoffs with a group of Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors. This inter-house unity thing wasn’t really his scene but he’d promised mother to make a better effort this year. So when Parkinson had suggested coming out tonight, he’d quickly accepted, thankful for the distraction from Potter’s kiss. Pansy had of course disappeared with a fit looking Ravenclaw. He was about to go find her when the front door jangled open. Instinctively, he lifted his eyes upward, straight into the jewel green of Potter’s gaze…
Onto Part #12