Title: Anything For This...
Fandom: Full Metal Alchemist Pairing: Al/Ed
fandomwords100 #18: Secrets
Rating/Warning: NC 17 Incest, Slash Pairing, Sexual Content, and Language
Summary/Other Info: Anything is worth This...
Anything for This… by HPFangirl71
Ed clutched at Al’s hip, reveling in the feel of soft skin beneath his fingertips. He hadn’t been able to lie to himself any longer. Al had known and shared Ed’s deepest darkest secret. Al approaching Ed with the truth had led to this…
Ed felt Al’s arms embracing him as he thrust wildly into his brother’s newly formed body. Fucking him like this was better than any fantasy. Every pump of his cock brought moans of pleasure from within the younger man and that thrilled him. He wanted to make Al happy and this made his brother very happy...
Title: Worth the Cost
Fandom: Full Metal Alchemist Pairing: Al/Ed
fandomwords100 #18: Secrets
Rating/Warning: PG 13 Incest, Slash Pairing, Angst, and a Kiss
Summary/Other Info: Ed confronts Al with his feeling for him...
Worth the Cost by HPFangirl71
“It can be our secret Al, nobody has to know,”
Ed’s words were persistent and Al wanted this too, so what was holding him back? Maybe he was afraid of the lies they’d have to tell, the deceits they’d have to commit. Was this worth it?
He looked into his brother’s pleading eyes and his question was answered. Ed had always been Al’s whole world and Al was Ed’s. That might be an arrogant thing to think but he knew it was true.
As he allowed Ed’s lips to brush against his, he knew this moment was worth losing everything…
Title: Any Price for a Rare Jewel
Fandom: Full Metal Alchemist Pairing: Al/Ed
fandomwords100 #19: Gems/Jewels
Rating/Warning: R Incest, Slash Pairing, Angst, and a Kiss
Summary/Other Info: Ed will do anything to have Al's love
Any Price for a Rare Jewel by HPFangirl71
Ed’s fingers brushed back a strand of hair and looked deep into his brother‘s eyes. He wanted, no… needed, to memorize every inch of Al’s beautiful face, in case he ever lost him again. Al’s new body was a godsend and Ed wanted nothing more than to cherish him like some rare jewel.
Al had been a mere shell of himself when trapped in that awful armor. Ed shuddered at the thought and his lips captured Al‘s mouth in needy desperation. Ed knew that what they shared was considered wrong but he’d pay any price just to possess Al‘s love