Title: Facing a Secret Truth
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Rating:PG 13
Warnings:Slash Pairing, Kissing, Some Angst, Some Fluff, and could be viewed by some as AU. (real h/d shippers wont see it as such)
Word Count: 535
Disclaimer: I truly wish Draco and Harry belonged to me but alas, they belong to the genius of JK Rowling. I only get to play smutty games with them in the hopes of entertaining.
Notes: Written for
hd_seasons multiple prompts.
Facing a Secret Truth by HPFangirl71
Draco Malfoy looked down at the homemade valentine held within his hand. It was just a crudely cut red heart with a simple I love you inside. Delivered by owl, it was signed only from a secret admirer. With the valentine, he’d also received instructions to meet his admirer here in this abandoned classroom. He hesitated momentarily before entering the room, unsure of what he might find on the other side.
He was pleasantly surprised to find a table for two within the otherwise empty room. It was set romantically with candles, glasses of champagne and a plate of chocolate covered strawberries. He glanced hopefully about the room but found no one else there. He let out a frustrated sigh, thinking this was someone’s weird idea of a prank. As he turned to leave, he was shocked to see none other than Harry Potter emerging from beneath his invisibility cloak.
"Its you… The chosen one? You love me? Please. What could I possibly have ever done to deserve that? Good joke Potter." He replied in a flippant means of defense.
“I know what happened after I left the manor. I know what your aunt did to you because you helped me. It couldn’t have been easy going against your family. Not giving me away and then handing me your wand…ultimately that final act helped me defeat Voldemort. I love you Draco and I wanted you to know…” Potter said in a nervous rush.
“So you really expect me to believe that you’ve suddenly fallen in love with me?” Draco said somewhat apprehensively.
“Yes, I also want you to realize that somebody appreciates the sacrifices you made for the cause.” Harry said matter-of-factly.
Harry approached him and let a hand graze down a pale cheekbone.
“I didn’t do them for the stupid cause! I did them to protect you, you stupid git!” Draco said in his usual acerbic manner.
Harry being this close was suffocating, overwhelming to his senses and Draco quickly backed away.
“But why… if you hate me?” Harry said in a perplexed tone.
“I don’t hate you. I wish I could say I did but the fact is that I've fallen in love many times... always with you." Draco whispered, embarrassed by his sudden confession.
He looked at Potter standing there and wanted so badly for this to be real, to be able to hope that Potter might feel the same for him. He was a death eater and he’d made so many mistakes… could the few things he’d done in the end have really made up for all of that.
Suddenly Harry was crossing the short distance between them and taking hold of Draco’s hand. Their fingers entangled within each other’s, Draco’s long pale digits pressing desperately into the heavily calloused fingers of Harry’s. Their lips were next to become intermingled, the heat between them becoming undeniable. The kiss was full of all the pent up desires they‘d been holding back for so very long. It left them both panting breathlessly and wanting so much more. Finally, Draco and Harry were facing the truth together. The truth that was their incredible secret love, a love that no longer had to stay secret…