Title:In Enemy Territory
Pairing: Percy Weasley/Lily Luna Potter Secondary Pairing: Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley Potter
Rating:NC 17 for overall series...
Warnings: AU since Percy will be single in the series, Incestuous Feelings, Angst, Insinuated Anger and Hatred, Family Meddling.
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer All Characters belong to the genius of JK Rowling. I only get to play smutty
games with them in the hopes of entertaining.
Notes: Wrote this for
drabbles100 Prompt Table using prompt #22 Also written for
fandomwords100 Prompt Pink/Red
A Secret Love Series by HPFangirl71
In Enemy Territory
He eyed them like they were his enemies and Harry began regretting this decision. Ginny tried embracing her brother but he refused to return her gesture. She pulled back, red with embarrassment.
“We’re sorry Percy… there just wasn’t another way…” Harry spoke nervously. “Albus is staying at Molly’s for awhile, you’ll stay in his room.”
Percy stood silently, hatred filling his eyes until Lily came rushing forward.
“Uncle Percy, come with me. I’ll show you your room.”
Percy looked up, she was breathtaking. Looking at her, the light returned to his deadened eyes. Taking her hand he was actually smiling…
Drab #13