Days 13 and 14: RPattz 30 Day Challenge

Sep 19, 2010 23:47

Since I really wasnt online much yesterday and didnt get my post in, I figured I would just do a double one today. Sorry about that....
Okay so for Day 13 we have fave song by Rob and for Day 14 we have fave Rob hairstyle. Both were a little hard to choose but without further ado... here are my choices!!
Okay, I would have to say that my fave song by Rob would be Never Think because its such a heartwrenching and emotional song plus I so love the fact that their are two totally unique versions of this song done by both Rob himself and his best mate Sam Bradley. Im posting both versions here so enjoy!!

image Click to view

image Click to view

As for fave Rob hairstyle... I have to go for the preEdward days... I totally yearn for the Goblet of Fire era Rob, the Rob that first took my breath away and kept me wanting more. Here are some pics of Robs messy hairstyle ala the premieres of GoF... both in the UK and NY.

I love how unkempt and natural it looks... it almost invites you to run your fingers through it... it was totally Rob and its what made me first fall hard for him, I didnt need Edward to do that!!

random:raor, fandom:twilight, fandom:harry potter, project:video, project:30 day rpattz challenge, obsession:robert pattinson, project:photos

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