Challenge: #01 Wolfsbane Title: Sacrificing Vengeance

Dec 17, 2012 09:36

Title: Sacrificing Vengeance
Author: hpfangirl71
Team: Werewolves
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Past Allison/Scott. Allison, Scott, Derek, and Mrs. Argent.
Rating: PG(contains angst, grief and implied intent to kill)
Challenge: Written for tw_drabble #01 Wolfsbane
Disclaimer: Teen Wolf belongs to MTV and its other affiliates. I own nothing, not even the pretty boys. I ( Read more... )

fandom:teen wolf, project:fic or drabble, community: tw_drabble, pairing: scott/allison, rating:pg, kink: werewolves

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Comments 4

sophia_clark December 18 2012, 00:53:34 UTC
Oh, your characterization is so spot on here! My love for Derek made me pretty mad at Allison this season, but I guess I can see why she went a little psycho. Haha Great job, hun! & thanks for writing for tw_drabble! :)


hpfangirl71 December 18 2012, 02:31:56 UTC
Yeah I wasn't all too happy at Allison myself but I could see it from her point of view. It was a huge sacrifice for her to give up Scott because she has to avenger her mother first. Also, I think they under use Allison on the show, she has more layers than they give her credit for. I loved writing this, thanks for starting this group. I'm hoping it gets more members to write cuz I think its gonna be a fun comm!! <3


bererjs December 25 2012, 07:08:02 UTC
Oh, poor Allison, such raw emotions. Beautiful!


hpfangirl71 December 25 2012, 12:57:27 UTC
Oh thank you dear!! <3


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