Title: Caught Kissing
Fandom: Mortal Instruments
Challenge: For
fandomwords100 Winter/Holiday challenge. Prompt 11:
Mall ScenePairing Category: Slash romance (pairings Magnus/Alec and partially requited Jace/Alec)
Rating: Still PG but may get higher as I continue.
Warnings: Cross Gen, UST, AU and Angst
Summary/Other Info: Alec's secret relationship isn't so secret anymore... This is drabble 11 of a 31 drabble series called The Christmas Wedding The first can be found
HERE Also, this is my very first time writing this fandom and I've only read the first couple books so please...be gentle.
Caught Kissing by HPFangirl71
Alec was so enthralled with watching Jace that he didn’t see the man watching him. It wasn’t until they exited the bookstore that he saw Magnus, next to the fake Santa setup amidst the mall’s middle. He feigned disinterest as the warlock approached.
“Alec,” came Magnus’ clipped greeting.
“Magnus,” Alec acknowledged.
“I see things have improved between you and Jace.” Magnus spoke without any hint of jealousy.
“I don’t know what you mean by that.” Alec said defensively.
“The kiss, I saw.” Magnus stated simply.
Magnus’ words shocked Alec and the only reply he could muster was a mumbled apology.