Fandom: Teen Wolf Title: Fantasies Can't Be Real

Nov 21, 2012 00:04

Title: Fantasies Can't Be Real
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing(s): Stiles/Derek
Word Count: 535
Rating: PG 13
Warning(s): sexually suggestive, language and angst
Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Wolf, that honour goes to MTV. I also don't own the pretty boys, nor do I make any money off the telling of their lovely stories.
Notes: Written for a prompt at comment_fic by mahmfic
Summary: Everything has changed between Stiles and Derek but is it all fantasy or for real??
A/N: This is a sequel to another piece I previously wrote for the group beacon_hills The first part can be found HERE... and yes, there will be more to come.

Fantasies Can’t Be Real by HPFangirl71

The world was ending. That had to be the only viable explanation. Why the hell else would Derek Hale have kissed him? Yesterday’s scene had been a whirlwind upon his senses. It had left him wondering and wanting…more, so much more.

Derek barked orders like a drill sergeant and sent Stiles’ insides into a tornado-like frenzy. Stiles often found himself challenging the man over everything but still he’d never had the courage to make the first move. Yesterday afternoon, Derek suddenly had. It had been like some vague fantasy brought to life, yet it’d been nothing like the fantasies which Stiles had been secretly harboring. In those fantasies, Derek had been more in control, less needy, not so vulnerable. In fact, his fantasies had been less about feelings and just more of a heady battle of wills. There had been multitudes of rough exchanges resulting in torrid sex but not much else.

Yesterday’s reality had been so much more…

The Reality had been them sharing a closeness Stiles had always been afraid to imagine. He’d always been certain that Derek only saw him as some pathetic nuisance. Just a mere human meddling where he didn’t belong. In fact, yesterday’s fight had been over just that, or so Stiles had thought.

Stiles knew it had been stupid of him to go try and help Derek with the vicious new wolves but he hadn’t really thought about it like that. He’d known Derek needed help and his brain had just flown on autopilot. He’d do just about anything to help the man out and unfortunately, a lot of times that included risking his life. Derek thought he did it for Scott and maybe it had once started out that way but lately it was far from the case. Scott was so busy with all his Allison drama that he rarely had time for Stiles and that had thrown him more and more in Derek’s path. That’s when the fantasies had begun popping up in Stiles’ head. In fact, that’s when he’d begun falling for Derek Hale.

Stiles had been almost content with the tentative friendship he and Derek had begun forming because he’d never dreamed Derek might actually return his feelings. In fact, yesterday’s display had completely shocked Stiles. The things Derek had whispered, no make that growled into his ear had left him stunned. Derek worried about him. Derek somehow needed him. Derek wanted him. Those realities were hard to hold onto because they seemed so incredibly unreal. In fact, they might just be figments of his wild adolescent imagination.

That’s why he was convinced the world was coming to an end and in the horror of it all; Derek Hale had completely lost his ever loving mind.

To prove his theory, Stiles was going back. He was giving Derek a chance to recant all the wonderful things he’d said to Stiles. As much as he longed for more of the man’s incredible kisses, Stiles knew this couldn’t be a reality because it was far too much his fantasy. He was going to give Derek the chance to save face, to go back to normal. Like they were before all the kissing and frottage had begun…

fandom:teen wolf, community: comment_fic, project:fic or drabble, rating:pg13, pairing:stiles/derek, kink: werewolves

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