Title: Finally...
Pairing: FMA: Ed/Al
Rating: NC 17
Warnings: Incest and Explicit sex.
A/N: Written for my series Brotherhood of Love. Prompt used is #4 Gratification from the Elricest Movement Prompt table found
HERE Finally… by HPFangirl71
Ed no longer cares about blood; all that matters now is Al’s cock held within his hand, soft flesh that hardens quickly at his firm grip.
Two cool metal appendages, well lubed, find their way into Al’s twitching hole and Ed stifles back the groans with a hungry kiss.
Ed knows that fucking Al should feel wrong but nothing with Roy ever felt this gratifying.
Al’s legs wrap tightly around his waist as Ed replaces the metal fingers with his aching cock. He’s never felt so close to his brother and for once it just feels right; blood be damned.