Title: Pride
Fandom/Pairing: Harry Potter: Draco/Harry
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG 13 for Suggestive Themes.
Summary: Draco has a reason to be out and proud this year.
A/N: Written for the group
dracoharry100 and #260 Prompt: Word List: Stars, Stripes, Baseball, Fourth, and Parade. I used all 5 words.
Pride by HPFangirl71
The parade’s pageantry went past, a myriad of rainbow stripes and half-naked flesh but Draco’s attention was elsewhere.
For the fourth time in mere seconds, Draco’s attention was distracted by the most perfect arse ever. Perfect because it happened to belong to Harry Potter dressed in a Muggle baseball cap and the tightest jeans Draco had ever laid eyes upon.
Harry turned around, bare-chested and Draco averted his gaze lewdly upward. A rainbow star adorned Harry’s cheek and he smiled gratefully.
“This is amazing! Thanks for bringing me, Malfoy.”
Now this, Draco thought, was the way to celebrate gay pride…