Harry/Draco Ongoing Series: Some Unexpected News

Nov 24, 2011 14:15

Title:To Celebrate or Not...?
Fandom:Harry Potter Pairing: Harry/Draco
Challenge written for fandomwords100 prompt :#25:Gathering
Rating:PG so far...
Warnings: MPreg, Angst
Summary/Other Info A continuation to my An Unexpected Surprise series. This part is written for the lovely
vexed_wench for her bday which was in Sept. She asked for H/D and gave the prompt celebration. Sorry its late sweetie but I hope you enjoy this series along with
lijahlover whom I wrote the 1st part for which can be found HERE

Some Unexpected News by HPFangirl71
Part 2: To Celebrate or Not…?
Draco felt uncomfortable at the Weasleys, just like he usually did at these huge family gatherings. Tonight’s celebration was made even more uncomfortable since Molly had invited over several friends in honor of Harry’s pregnancy announcement. Draco looked at his boyfriend, swaying to some muggle music with that crazy Lovegood girl. His gaze swept across Harry’s perfect form, landing upon his slightly swollen stomach. A baby… bloody hell… whatever possessed him to knock up the chosen one? Draco was a former Deatheater not a future parent! He just couldn’t be a father and Harry was crazy if he thought otherwise…!

project:fic or drabble, community:fandomwords100, fandom:harry potter, pairing:draco/harry, kink: mpreg, project:gift!fic, ongoing series: unexpected news, info:vexed_wench, rating:pg

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