Read the rules here first. When you're ready, copy the template below & submit nominations to, or by sending us a PM here on LJ, or by leaving a comment here on this post (comments are screened):
- Your email address:
- Group/Ship:
- Best Drabble (story name, author name, URL):
- Best Drama-Angst Story (story name, author name, URL):
- Best Dark Fic Story (story name, author name, URL):
- Best Comedy (story name, author name, URL):
- Best Romance (story name, author name, URL):
- Best Het Smut (story name, author name, URL):
- Best Slash Smut (story name, author name, URL):
- Best Femmeslash Smut (story name, author name, URL):
- Best Threesome/Moresome (story name, author name, URL):
- Best A/U (story name, author name, URL):
- Best Legacy Story (story name, author name, URL):