Meeting The Grobanites and Josh

Mar 14, 2007 17:34

So this is the first part of my concert Report!

So here is my concert....uh... report. With little to nothing of sleep.

Okay so here we go---
So we left 4:15 to go to the Meet and Greet at five. Sadly, there was this random traffic jame. What

was odd was that there was this car that just was on the road and then about five miles after that

the traffic was fine. It was the weirdest thing. To anyone going into D.C. or out of D.C.-- The

Traffic is just...Weird!!! So I didn't get to the Meet and Greet till about 5:45pm.

So we park, and they won't let us park at the Verizon Center place 'cause you need a permit

(aka-Josh's bus is there etc.) so we moved to this other parking lot and we couldn't find a parking

space till three floors down. So we found a parking space and I had my bag and my two CD's and

my Cherrios to give to Josh all ready in my bag worried that I wouldn't remember it. So we look for

Clyde's Gallery Place where the Meet and Greet was and then we found it and I got so excited to

meet everyone!!!! So we get our stuff-T-Shirt, goodie bag, corsage, and name tag. And I look

around and there are all these people that love Josh! And it was just SOO nice! And then I turn

around and look--There's DIA! We've been talking over the AIM for the last three months or so

and we hugged and jumped up and down! It was wonderful! =) So Dia and I basically hungout

the whole time (which wasn't much since we got there late). The only thing that was somewhat

dissapointing was the food. There wasn't very much at all and we had to pay 52 dollars for the

Meet and Greet. That was the only dissapointing thing, but my mum thought it was awful. Sadly,

we won't be going again to a Meet and Greet or just going to smooze. Dia went with me to buy a

Josh Pin for Grobanites for Charity and that made me happy 'cause I really wanted a Josh pin

since I collect pins.

So then a bunch of people find out that I'm the contest winner and they all hug me. Haha. And

Joyce, the person who ran it, goes "Let me take a picture with you!!! You're the winner! You get

to meet Josh." So I laugh and we take a picture and then several other people I get introduced to.

So I go get another coke and there's this young woman whom is talkingn to the guy doing the

drinks and I say, "Hi! What's your name?" Her-"Ally! You?" Me-"Helena!" and we talk and then

she finds out that I won the contest and she was so happy for me! She hugged me and she said

how she was soo happy for me yet a little dissapointed that she didn't win, but still happy for me.

I said, "Oh i'm sorry!!" and she replied with, "Oh gosh! Don't be sorry!! AT ALL!!!" and we

hugged some more!! So then Dia and I took pictures with people and then my mum said, "Helena!

We have to go!" And so I was all excited and Dia had given me a letter for me to give to Josh taht

apologized for crying on him in NYC at the signing (if you didn't read her story back in NOV then

go read it). So then after I left we had to go walk around and stuff and we went to "Will Call "to

go get my back stage tickets (I can't belive I just typed that....SQUEE) and the lady was like

quizzing me while she was getting me my passes. She asked: "How old is he?" Me-"26". "When's

his birthday?" Me-" February 27" "What year?" "1981". And she just laughed. So we got my

stuff and then we met. COURTNEY and her boyfriend!!! She was SOO Nice!!! And her boyfriend

as funny. So anywho--so Courtney and I are there and Wyatt told us to wait for Dennis, the road

manager, but he wasn't there and this idiot named Jim was all like "NO! Stay here" and he was

really rude and he had all these winners who proabably, honestly, didn't even know who Josh

Groban was. There were both radio people and people who knew people who knew people who

knew Josh. It was sorta annoying, but I'll get to that later.

This one woman in back of us asked, "Now, I know you two are fans (Courtney and I) so how

many CD's does he have?" Courtney and I looked at each other like "You should know lady!" But

we answered at the same time "Three". And she said "Oh. I only have to. The Closer one and just

Josh Groban one." My mum asked, "So how did you get to meet him?" Lady- "Well, my

co-worker is the mother in law of...." and I think she said one of the family memebers, but it was

basically just cause she knew someone. And honestly, that bothers me. When people who don't

really know Josh get to meet him. Had I not been a memember of FOJG and won the contest, I

wouldn't have met him at all. And it REALLY REALLY REALLY bothers me when people who

don't appricate Josh like the fans (aka Grobanites) get to meet him because Josh deserves people

who know who he is not just "Oh yeah! He's a great singer. I won a radio contest."

So anyways back to the story---
So Courtney calls Wyatt on her cell and she told Wyatt that Jim was all an ass, Dennis wasn't

there, and that the Will Call was telling us to go to section 103 and blah blah blah. Wyatt told

Courtney to wait for Dennis and that he would get us and that we shouldn't freak out till 7:02pm.

So Courtney and I are still sorta nervous that we won't be able to get through and stuff. So finally

Jim, the ass (gosh I hate him), told us to go stand in line to get through to the concert place and

he was all like, "You  have to come with me." He didn't say this nicely anyways. Courtney, My

mum, and I knew he didn't work for Josh because Josh wouldn't hire such  jackass. So we were

still confused and WYATT wouldn't pick up his stupid cell phone!!! So we get to section 103 and

we have to wait for a second to have them make sure we actually do have BSP. So then my stupid

foot starts to cramp. And if anyone has ever had that happen to you it....HURTS! So right when

we had to walk backstage it hurt so I was like "OW OW OW". So we get into the "Family Room"

and Courtney, her boyfriend, my mum, and I sit down at the back on this huge red couch. And

Jim is all like, "So does anyone have anything to sign?" And the radio people and the other

people mostly didn't so they raised their hands and got something which was this sorta

cardboard thing that was the cover of Awake and the back it was the clouds thing that said

So Jim is all like, "So you had a question?"
Us-"Yes. Where's Dennis. We were told to wait for Dennis."
Jim-"Well, you have to wait there. There's nothing I can do. I have to take care of these people.

Maybe they have something special for you guys. I don't know. I have to take care of these

Then Jim says to the other people: "Now we are only going to have you take one picture and I'm

going to take it and I will send you the picture. Remember only one picture and Josh doesn't have

that much time so. Only our picture, none of your own, so put your camera's away." He was

seriously obnoxious. "Oh and be considerate of Josh." I swear he didn't know who Josh was. He

seriously looked like he didn't know who Josh was and he just wasn't the type. Seriously. URGH!
So Courtney and I are STILL lost and then FINALLY we see Brian. And we get all calmed down

because we know that Josh's people are here and that everything is going to be fine now. So Jim

is breaking people into groups to meet Josh and we're last so that's great 'cause I told Courtney,

how that's better because then we get to stay with Josh longer and not be rushed and she said

she hadn't thought of that and that was really smart to think of. So then
the guy who does all the video and stuff for the DVD's comes and he talked to all the people

about how he has to film stuff for the DVD and website. So then he turns to Courtney and I one

the big red couch and he said "you guys had a question for Dennis?"
Courtney- "Yes we do. We were told by Wyatt to wait for Dennis and it's very confusing."
Film Guy (Someone please tell me his name!! I forgot!!)- "Well, I work more closely with Wyatt

than Dennis does. But you're in the right place."
Mum-"Okay thanks! We were just so confused."
Film Guy- "You're welcome!"
Me-"Wait! Are you the one who did the Friday Suprise thing with the bear?"
Him-"Yes! That was me! And don't worry, there's a lot more coming! We have so much coming

up soon"
Me-"Oh yay! Well that was awesome! You're so nice!!!"
So then Courtney and I are relaxed and I get out my two CD's and my Cherrios!! =) And Lyne

comes up to us. "Are you the fan winners?" Us-"yes"
"oh it's wonderful to meet you!!" And she was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice!
So my mum told Lynn about how I got tickets and my story of How i asked mum if I could stay

home from school and she had said no. So the next day I asked mum if I could stay and again she

said no and she said I almost started crying and Lynne laugh. So then mum goes on and tells her

how I ran home with my violin case and my heavy bookbag and called her school to ask if I could

spend eight more dollars on tickets 'cause she gave me this huge lecture about not using more

than ninety dollars. So mum was like, "yes". So then she told Lynne how then a few minutes later

I called her school again and the Secretary was like, "Helena just wanted to tell you that she got

tickets and that they're good seats." and Lynne loved the story. =) And My mum told her about

Jim and how he was a jerk and she sorta  new and she smiled and mum said, "We knew he didnt'

work for Josh because he was a jerk. And Josh doesn't have mean people working with him

because Josh is so nice." Lynne said, "Oh yeah! Josh is REALLY nice! He's wonderful."
Lynne said how it was just nice to meet the fans and how Wyatt sent her the winners so she

could make sure that they hadn't won before and that new people see Josh because Josh loves

seeing new people and faces and how it's just more fair. And then I was like 'You're so nice!!! Can

I give you a hug?" And she said "of course!" And so I hugged her from the couch. She was

SOOO NICE! ANd then before that some guy, I think a manager or something, he saw my camera

and he was like, "What did they say about not taking pictures?" Me-"Well,....I mean Wyatt said

that I could take it." Him-"well you're going to have to put it away." Me-"oh..okay..." and I put it

away he smiles and he's like "I'm just kidding!!" lol. He was so funny. And he was like 'you can

take that! No one cares!" And so my mum asked him if he was Dennis, and he's like "I'm me."

haha. And then Mum asks "Do you work for Josh?" And he said "I work for money." He was soo

wonderful.  So then people are going up to meet Josh and we hear his wonderful "HI". haha. It

was wonderful! =) So then a bunch of people go and then Lynne sais "okay you're guys turn".
So I have all this stuff with me because of the Meet and Greet and my bag with the stuff in it

Lynne's said, "Do you want me to hold that for you? Are you okay?" Me-"yeah I'm fine!

Thanks!!" So Courtney goes first and we laugh 'cause she was like 'You want to go first. *Wink

wink*" haha. She was awesome! So then she gets to meet Josh and she showed him her design

and I was just looking around and seeinghim. OMG! He is SOO skinny! Like in a good way! And

he isn't that tall, like he's tall but he's like 5'7 and I'm 5'6, but yeah. So I put my stuff down next to

the camera/film guy 'cause Lynne said I could and she takes my camera which just happened to

be EXACTLY like Courtney's. Courtney before said, "here's my camera, but we have the same

camera so..." Me-"Fine has the aqua marker on it with my name sorta rubbed off." Lynne looks at

my camera and my name and said "What did you write with it? Crayon?" lol in a funny way. And

I said, "noo...haha. the permanant marker got off...=(" Haha. And she then told me to put my stuff

there. And I got my cherrios and gave CLOSER to my mum and I took AWAKE. So then

Courtney goes out the door and he looks at me and I"m like "HI! Josh!" And he said"HI!"
And I said "it's SOO nice to finally meet you! i've always wanted to mee you!" And he said "Aww

thanks!" And then I said "OH! I have this for you!" And he looks at my cherrios and he has this

O face. ANd I said "I read somewhere and heard somewhere that your parents used to bribe you

with cherrios to sing."
Josh-"Oh yeah! I love Cherrios!! Cherrios!!"
Me-*laughs* "So I brought you cherrios becuse I REALLY want you to sing Awake. Because

that song it just amazing!"
Josh-*gives me a funny face look* Well....we weren't going to do it.
Josh- But since you asked...we'll do it! And you gave me cherrios so now I HAVE to do it!

Thanks! But let's take a picture first!"
Me-"Okay!" (Lynne takes picture)
Josh-So what's your name? (as I hand him my CD)
Josh-"Oh that's a nice name? H-e-l-e-na?
Josh-"H-e-l-e-n-a. lol. okay.
Me-You don't want to know my last name...
Josh:"Yes I do! What is it?!"
Me-(for privacy reason I won't tell you my last name...sorry)
Josh:"Where is that from?"
Josh-"OH! I have friends in Hungary!"
So he signs my CD and my mum comes up and she says "Hi I'm the mom"
Josh-"Hi mom" and he laughs and mum gives him the CLOSER CD that is seroiusly beat up
and he looked at it and at the cover and he said
Josh-"Wow! This is really beat up!" *laugh*
Me-"Well, I took it out a lot."
Josh-"That's fantastic!"
Mom-"She's come really close to meet you!"
Me-"yes! I saw Joshua Bellin concert-
Josh-"Such a great guy and so nice and talented!! "*he looked right at me*
Me-"yes!!!! And I shook his hand and I was thinking "Joshus Bell shook Josh Groban's hand!

I've techencially shaken Josh Groban's hand too!"
Josh-*laugh* Of course! It's a milimile away now!"
Me-"Exactly! So yup!"
And I can't remember anything else..I think someone was behind me from the radio or something

and they came late so it made me mad 'cause they made is to I wouldn't be last to have josh.

Damn. But I did get a second hug before I walked out! AH! I wanna take him home and give him

cookies! =)
So while I was wakling out:
Josh-"Have a great time! Scream really loud!!"
Me-"Oh i will!! I'll squee!"
Josh- *laugh* "Oh!! Even better! It was wonderful meeting you!"
Me-"you too josh!"

So Courtney and I had to stay behind to sign stuff so they could put it on the DVD and stuff and

they took a polaroid and yeah. So then I was like "OMG! DIA's LETTER" so I gave it to the

Camera guy and I wa slike 'This is from Dia! It's a letter. She's the gi
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