
Jun 24, 2010 17:56

I find myself going back to the oldies but goodies of fics lately.  It's funny how that recently so many are making the Post DH stories with the pairing of Hermione and Draco.  It makes me wonder as I cruise through looking for a good read.  As long as it has Harry and Ginny as well as a good plot I'm not too concerned about who Hermione is paired with as long as she doesn't end up with Harry ... that's just a big no-no for me personally.  But I have noticed a recent theme of her fanfic character in which she is suddenly the tragic hero and how now she doesn't know what to do with her life.  Apparently everything she has worked so hard for was the down fall of Voldemort.  Her destiny is over, the heartbreak is there and now what?  Did I miss a chapter or two or perhaps an entire book of the series?  These are the stories that I skim and then click close saying 'nope can't continue, too much.'

It's not just with the Hr/D pairings but also where she and maybe Ron had a closer relationship with Lupin and Tonks, however Harry was distant with them or at least Lupin.  Teddy then becomes her responsibility.  When did it become Hermione the miracle worker with all of the right answers and solutions (Ron included when paired together) and Harry being in the wrong needing supervision or even pushed to the side because he is not a key character.  I mean I enjoy a good AU just like the next but the newer ones seem so OOC that makes me think who is this Harry Potter?  Oh well, I could go on but I suppose it's back to re-reading the oldies but goodies where I can relate to the characters.

fics, fan fiction

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