I'm with you. I'm ready for this crap to be gone too. I talked to my mom yesterday...who is spending the month in Florida. She just had to rub it in how nice it was. Enjoy your little trip and the warmer weather. Try and bring some back with you.
Hooray for the big boy! My sister's been working on potty training too, what a pain some days, but she tends to have some funny stories about it related to Hannah's daycare.
Warm weather will be nice, I talked to God and ordered some for the wedding, but I'm not sure if it'll show up before then or not.
Looking through her ancient photobucket album, I have a nearly 10 YO wedding photo to offer. That's about it, unless you want a pic of me holding an XBox or the interior of a Nissan Maxima. :)
Comments 4
Warm weather will be nice, I talked to God and ordered some for the wedding, but I'm not sure if it'll show up before then or not.
Yay, Garrett! What a big boy!!
I can't wait to see new pics of the kids. You guys should get a family photo done as well!
I now realize... that I've never seen a picture of you. Weird. Change that! :)
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