Crafts for Wednesday

Jan 30, 2008 00:05

Still not feeling well :( Please remember to get in your entry for this week's contest if you'd like to be eligible to win a gift certificate to an art store!

Today's contest:

Necessary tools
*At least two colors of embroidery thread (called floss, at some stores).

1. Take one color of thread and wrap it around your wrist 2.5 times.
2. Cut all of the threads you plan to use to this length, and tie them into a knot at the top. You're probably going to want to tape this knot down to something solid.
3. Cross the far left string over the string to its immediate right. You should have a shape that looks like the numeral 4.
4. Loop the leftmost string through the opening you've created, then pull the knot upwards and tighten it.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 on the same string one more time so you have two knots.
6. If you are only using two colors, skip to step 7. If you are using more than two colors, pull the string you just made knots ON (not with) over to the left and repeat steps 3-5 above. Keep doing this for each additional color you have -- you should end up with a hrizontal row that is all the same color.
7. Start the next row using the string that is now to the far left. This should be the string that you originally started making knots on.
8. Repeat steps 3-7 until you can comfortably wrap the knotted threads around your wrist.
9. Tie it on your own wrist or someone else's wrist with a secure knot. Make sure that you leave a little bit of wiggle room, since this type of thread shrinks when wet (and then expands again when dry).
10. Trim off any loose ends, and enjoy!

It's a friendship bracelet!

week 9, arts and crafts, reminder
