Title: Silence
Character: Irma Pince
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Pairing: Pince/Filch, Mrs. Norris
The books returned to their correct spots, she doused the lights in the library until one remained, bobbing toward her. Smiling, she waited for Argus and clung to his embrace, sighing. They rarely spoke at night; conversations reserved for their roles as librarian and caretaker - no wasted words between them.
She was tired of silly questions from children that wouldn't use their brains, but mostly tired from frowning all day. In his arms, she found a respite from the noisy world that echoed the quietness of her beloved books.
They snuggled in a chair; Mrs. Norris curled at their feet.
Because Lee wanted Pince/Filch and Mrs. Norris.