Round #2 - Rules & Info

Oct 31, 2010 16:43

Sign-ups for Round #2 are officially closed!

01 | To participate in this round, you must be a member of the community and be listed here.
02 | All icons must be new and specifically made for this challenge.
03 | All icons must be made by you, which should go without saying.
04 | All icons must fit the LJ standards: 100x100 pixels, a maximum size of 40kb and saved as a .png, .jpg or .gif. Animations are not allowed.
05 | All icons should be rated PG-13 or lower.
06 | Post your icons to your personal journal or icon community. When posting a link to your post to this community, make sure to add 3 teaser icons.
07 | All posts must be public until the end of the round.
08 | Please use the following subject line for your post: Round #2 - [your actor]
09 | Please tag your entries with the following tags: user: [your username], round 02, entries: round 02, actor: [name] or actress: [name]
If a tag is not available yet, I will take care of tagging your post :)
10 | Your 20 icons are due on November 20th.

Please try to comment on the other participants' posts. You like feedback, right? Well, so does everyone ;)


01 | Tiny Text
02 | City : you can either use a city picture as the background of your icon or have the name of a city somewhere in your icon (i.e. a picture of the Eiffel Tower or Big Ben in the background, or "London" or "Paris" somewhere in the icon)
03 | Faceless : your actor's face should be hidden (i.e. from behind, cropped to hide the face, ...)
04 | Lips : focus on your actor's mouth/lips/smile
05 | Dressed up
06 | Candid : paparazzi or personal pic
07 | Top : the focus of the icon should be in the upper half of the icon
08 | Pattern : there should be some sort of pattern in your icon - the background, your actor's clothes, ...
09 | Blue
10 | Plain : no text, no textures - just a simple icon


11-15 | Body Parts : every icon should focus on a different body part


16-20 | Your choice

When posting your icons, please use the following table, or a similar one. Feel free to change colours and fonts to your liking:







If you have any questions about the themes or the challenge in general, feel free to ask :)

round 02, rules & info: round 02, mod: rules & info

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