Banner Maker Application Post!

Sep 29, 2011 16:38

Making the banners for this community is always a lot of work, and since we have so many talented people here who participate every round, I thought I'd ask if anyone is interested in becoming a banner maker for this community. If you'd like to contribute and make banners for the participants and winners of this challenge, please fill out the following form and I'll get back to you.

Please only apply if you think you have the time to make a few banners at the end of every month! Thanks!

I would need between 3 and 4 people for the following banners:

- participation banners
- themes banners
- category banners
- artist's choice banners

Email: [only if you've disabled the option to receive PMs on LJ]
Preference: [which banners you'd like to make - participation/themes/category/AC/no preference]
1-3 Banner examples: [links, not embedded images, please!]

Comments are screened, and I'll let you know who I choose, in a few days :) Thanks!

How would this work? Well, I would post the winners on the 23rd, 25th of every month and you would have to make the banners after that, preferably before the themes for the next round go up! :)

mod: banner-makers

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