a thought while listening to "wxpodcast month" on WxBrains about a radio dramody idea

Mar 05, 2018 21:48

On Monday nights, I have to admit to those who are friends by not in the weather field per se, I usually watch the live stream of the podcast called "Weatherbrains", which is a weekly podcast of several veterans in the weather industry talking weather and the weather industry. It's available on Stitcher and several other major podcasting services if you wanted to listen in some other time of the week.

On there this week, the subject is "Weather Podcast Week", where tonight they have guests that are hosts of other weather-based podcasts (which I recommend you check out, whether it's the Carolina Weather Gang in the southeast, Storm Front Freaks, or other ones out there). And they have their own aspects of the weather enterprise that I have to admit, are interesting if you are really geeky into the weather.

And I have to admit, I have toyed with the idea of maybe doing my own, given what I know of the enterprise, what I picked up while still on the job search to getting back in to forecasting for a living, there's something else that over the last 6 months to a year that I think piqued my interest a bit more.

It was based off of an idea a website called "Atmolife" (Atmolife.com) was having with it's "Chasertown" idea, and also seeing the parody twitter weather accounts "NWS Podunk", "Best Weather Experts", "Intern Roy", and "Death Star PR". Instead of a weather podcast per se, I have been thinking of something of more like a "Weather-based radio play" in the style of the old radio shows in the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's. It would be more comedic than drama-based, but some drama here and there if a situation warranted. But I think between the parody accounts out there, the wide range of personalities I know are in the weather field, and the sometimes wild situations I know can happen in weather offices, I'm pretty sure a "radio show dramedy" could be made if it was written right. I know I should be able to do some good voice-acting, given the right character (even if it's more like Gary Owens from "Laugh In").

But my weakness is fictional writing. I'm not a bad non-fictional writer, and read a lot more non-fiction than fiction, I admit. I can come up with some good ideas on where I might want to see plots go, once i know who I have to work with (believe me when I get thinking of screwy things my mind can really get abstract). But as for writing the script itself, I'd need more than a bit of help there. Any really good fiction writers want to take a shot at helping me make an old-style radio show script about weather weenies? let me know in the comments. I'm sure I could get some voice actors among my friends.

hypothetical ideas, weather fiction

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