The Only Two People In The World

Jul 26, 2007 19:02

Title: The Only Two People In the World
Author: Theta Sigma
Rating: PG
Pairing or Character(s): AD/GG (of course)
Disclaimer: I am not JKR but I met her once. Lovely lady. Book seven made me cry when I read it!
Author's Note: Hello! This is my first fanfic. (I helped a friend write a play once, but it’s not the same thing.) I posted it in some other communities too :)

In the end, all Albus needed was an Expelliarmus.

The Elder Wand whizzed through the air and Albus caught it deftly in his left hand. It felt like it had been made for him. He wondered if this was how Gellert had felt when he’d taken it from old Gregorovitch. He supposed he ought to hate Gellert, but he couldn’t find it in himself to. They were two of a kind. No one would ever understand him the way Gellert had. It was a pity his old friend had gone mad. Oh, what a noble mind is overthrown… (hmm, that was good. He’d have to remember that one.)

He walked over to where his oldest, dearest friend (well, except for Doge but he hardly counted) lay unconscious on the parapet. Albus slid his wand into his pocket, then gathered Gellert into his arms and began the long walk to Nurmengard.

Nurmengard was empty when Albus reached it. Abandoned. It was as if they were the only two things alive in the world. Perhaps they were.

Gellert stirred as Albus set him down on a straw pallet. “Al…bus…”

“Sshh,” said Albus. “I said I had only one thing to say to you.”

The panic in Gellert’s eyes was unmistakable. “No!” he cried.

“Yes,” said Albus, gently but firmly. He kissed Gellert’s brow. “I forgive you,” he whispered.

Gellert struggled, but Albus’ loving arms held him too tightly. Eventually, though, he stilled and Albus kissed his mouth. “I forgive you,” Albus repeated. “But you’re too dangerous, so I’ll have to keep you here so you don’t hurt any people.”

“No,” Gellert whispered.

“I’m sorry,” Albus said. “But it’s for your own good. Don’t worry, I’ll visit you whenever I can.” He stroked Gellert’s hair. “I love you, you know.”

“I hate you,” said Gellert.

“No you don’t,” said Albus. “You’re just confused. That’s all right. You’ll figure it out in time.”

Albus held Gellert all through the night, stroking his hair. And if anything happened between them before morning, who was there to care? They were the only two people in the world.
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