Pixar to Disney: "EAT IT!"
Some of you may remember me droning on about the Pixar/Disney situation, and it was semi-surprisingly announced last week that Pixar had called off negotiations with their former partner after 10 months of talks.
Basically, Pixar is in a position to call all their own shots, with over $500 million cash on hand to fully finance their future films. Disney is a great marketer, and that's about all Pixar wants anymore. The company doesn't care to share hard-earned profits like their current agreement allows.
So, it's on to other distributors:"One needs to look no further than 'Harry Potter,' 'Lord of the Rings,' 'Spider-Man' or 'Ice Age' to see examples of excellent marketing and distribution,'' Jobs said. "We think there are at least four other major studios that will do a great job marketing and distributing our films.''
That was some of Jobs' more polite remarks.
the whole article.
Oh, and it's my 24th birthday today. Yay me! I like even ages better than odd, I've decided.