I haven't posted in so long, I've almost forgotten how. Truth is, RL has been pounding me into the dirt for the last year or so. Big time. Not going to go into detail because it'd be way too long and way too depressing. A couple of things that are good, though, and that's the stuff to hang onto, right? SUMMER IS OVER. I'm am SO glad to be stopping with the heat now. And the fall colors are on their way. I want to see that. My brother is going to help me ditch my cable, which will save me about $100 each month. This is extremely awesome since I am a pauper right now. Also, I've been lucky enough to see some unusual clouds and atmospheric anomalies (now I sound like Bones). Was able to get some decent pics of them, which made me happy. Posting a few here after the cut cause I think they're cool.
Altocumulus Castelanus
Altocumulus Undulatus
Crepuscular Rays
Shelf Cloud
Sun Pillar
No crazy anomaly here...just posting it because it was such a beautiful sunset.