Apr 24, 2010 11:21
Getting ready to go shopping/lugging w/my SIL Jill.......just felt like chatting for a minute while I catch my breath. I just finished mowing my dirt and feel like I have a mountain-lion sized hairball in my throat. Also, my calves feel like they want to throw up. Must...rest...a bit...
Have to buy big stuff today. Cat litter being one of them. They keep making the packages bigger. Now it's up to 44 pounds. Jill stopped being able to carry it 15 pounds ago, so I do it. That way Wes (my brother) doesn't have to go shopping, which he dearly hates unless it's a) the electronics store b) Home Depot or c) Guitar Center. He does so much for me that I want to do what I can for him. But dude - 44 EFFING POUNDS? Are they insane? The most I was ever able to lift was 100 pounds, but that was when I was working at the horse farm, back in my dewy youth. Another 10 pounds and I might be toast. Damn. Where's Booth when I need him?
These cats need to stop pooping. Or learn to use the toilet.
We also have to pick up water jugs for Wes and Jill's water dispenser. Who in the hell makes 5 gallon smooth plastic jugs without a handle? I swear, when we do heavy shopping Jill just laughs at me because it's all a series of grunts and hisses and many many curses. Whoever said that cursing doesn't help you lift heavy stuff was dead wrong. It shitting helps A LOT. :-)
Later this afternoon I'll start fighting with my new phone again. Sigh. Why does every new phone come with a 2-year contract and 6 months of headaches?
What are you gals up to today? Anyone aiming for world domination? Cause, you know, if you are, I'm there.
Enjoy your day today and watch out in the Ohio Valley - violent storms with tornados are predicted, and it's already starting.
Happy Saturday!