Masterlist and Announcement

Nov 05, 2012 04:23

So, that's it, folks! The 2012 Zombiefest has come to a close! All participants are now free to reposts their fics to journals, archives, etc.

The Masterlist
What a Day by blossomdreams
Countdown to the End of the World by slumber
Silencing Charms by deirdre_aithne
The Stranger by rzzmg
Undead Ringers by primeideal
Dead Man's Party by writcraft and vlorahp
The Countdown to Genesis by justthedreams
Symbiosis by justthedreams

I would like to thank everyone who participated in this years fest, as well as those who participated last year. It's been a great two years. Which is why I'm very sad to announce that I will not be running another Zombiefest next year. For all that I love Zombies, and zombie!HP fics, participation dropped significantly this year, with a high percentage of drop-outs, and my real life has gotten a bit more hectic since sign-ups happened. The time commitment involved is just a bit too much, and with participation so low (whether it's due to the time of year, lack of interest, or something else all together) has made me decide to bow out now, after another good run.

That being said, if there is anyone out there who feels that Zombiefest should not be left to shamble about, moaning and groaning for brains, then reach out to me. I would be more than happy to pass the comm over to new mods who wish to keep it going, whether by continuing the fest or making their own new place out of it.

And if not, I would like to make it clear that I will be leaving the comm up. There is no risk of me deleting it just because the fest is no longer running, and if there have been no offers to take over modship by January 1st, then at that point, I will open the comm up for general zombie posting - which means it can become a home for posting, recing, and finding Harry Potter-verse zombie fics.

Thank you again to everyone who has ridden along on this little journey of ours!

[mod post], |masterlist|

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