
Oct 31, 2012 08:17

Posting for the 2012 Zombiefest will begin in roughly 15 minutes, and post one fic per hour for the next 6 hours (first fic at 8:30am EDT, final fic at 3:30pm EDT). Fics are posting in reverse order of length (meaning the longest fic first, with the shortest fic last) because that's just how the mod happens to have them sorted in her folders.

The mod would quickly like to remind everyone of our rules regarding comments! This fest is not a place for concrit, or to make snide or otherwise discouraging comments, flame, or character/pairing bash. If we see any of this in the comments, your comment will be deleted and you will be banned from the comm. We are unmerciful with the banhammer, so please don't make us use it.

And with that in mind, everybody bunker down with your canned goods and bottled water and let's get our zombie on!!

[mod post]

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