or I'll be arrested after this post ;)
First of all, let me thank and congratulate all of you guys for doing such an awesome job! The prompts are all wonderful so far and the wishes already granted are amazing! I'm so proud of you!! ♥
Keep that enthusiasm coming =D
Second, look at the amazing, fun and pretty banner that the fantastic
grander_fanfics made for us! (Thank you so much dear!)
Now your job is ogle at it and make this community grow!
http://community.livejournal.com/hp_wishes/21576.html" _fcksavedurl="
http://i774.photobucket.com/albums/yy29/grander_fanfics/HPWishes.png" _fcksavedurl="
http://i774.photobucket.com/albums/yy29/grander_fanfics/HPWishes.png" alt=""/>
And last but not least, we have some new affiliates. (I'll put the banners under a cut to spare all your flists. I'm already taking over too much space, right?)
10iloveyou ♥
dmpp_ldws dmpp_ldws dmpp_ldws ♥
dg_drabbles Click
here to go to the Draco/Ginny Drabble-A-Thon.
100_colours ♥
dmhgchallenge ♥