mod post :-)

Jan 02, 2008 10:47


First of all, Happy 2008 lol

Just to let you know I have 10 assignments that have been handed in and waiting to be posting. I am still awaiting 3 assignments but the situation isn’t dire. I have received word from two of the outstanding writers/artists that their work is mostly finished and is either with a beta reader or a few final touches are added so hopefully, I’ll get them by the end of the week, which is great :-)

In terms of assignments ready to be posted, I can only post seven so I am okay until next Tuesday (if I decide to post one tonight). Once, these two assignments I know about are handed in, the number will be risen to 13.

So basically, this is a post to let you know that the fest is still running smoothly. However, I am concerned with one outstanding assignment writer:


I know of the situation that was posted on her journal by her friend because the same friend emailed me mentioning a fic in particular. I emailed back and have yet to receive a reply (although the friend said she’d be back in the inbox within a few days. The situation isn’t dire yet (as due to who she wrote for and the fact a pinch hitter writer for her, I can push those two assignments to the be the final two to be posted) but I wish to ask that if anyone knows darth_elleth personally and knows what the situation is now, please email me at

Thanks :-)

Finally, as you know, all gifts were made public last week and here’s an update poll. Do you want the gifts to remain public or friends only?

Poll Should the gifts remain public posts or friends locked?

Blessed Be!


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