Hello fellow Riddikulus-ers! Yes, you see that correctly! I've left the poll open for a few months now, but I'm closing it permanently as of today.
And the winner, as you've (probably) already noticed, with a good 11 votes against 5, is:
Thank you all for thinking, submitting and voting! I think this might be the perfect name for our little meet-up!
So far roughly 30 of you have agreed to come to London this summer, which is absolutely fantastic! I'm really looking forward to it. Of course, new members/fanners will always be welcome, so don't be afraid to "sign up"
The definite date will be August 1st - 3rd 2015, with the main meet-up happening on the 1st and the 2nd. However,
writcraft and myself will be staying in London during the rest of the week (until the 7th), and I'd gladly invite anybody who feels up for more than just the one weekend to stay longer as well!
I'll make a request post one of these days, too, asking you for your favourite (or One True) pairing or pairings and your favourite character(s). So if you could give that some thought in the meantime that would be great.
I guess that this was it for now. I'll be back soon with more!