Tutorial 2: Sepia effect

Dec 04, 2005 19:46

Edit: See the icon I used with this post? This was the original, one I made a week or so ago. I wanted to provide a contrast, since I like this second effort so much better! *smiles*

Now, on to what you're here for...

This is my second tutorial, again made using PSP 9. It is a sepia toned tutorial, and requires some basic knowledge about layer modes, the sepia effect, layers in general, text, and brushes.

It will take you from this:

to this:

I began with a base provided by LJ user maureeni. I loved this scene in PoA, how it was played out and all, and I knew as soon as I saw this base that I wanted to make an icon of it. But I didn't like the coloring on it; I wanted to change that. And so we begin! ach, mistake on my part. I use two different computers, and the base is on my laptop. But basically, imagine the base just before step 1, please! I apologize for this!)

1. I wasn't concerned with the coloring right away, not the original coloring at least, since that would change. So I started by going to Automatic Contrast Enhancement (found under the Enhance Photo menu, or Adjust - Automatic Contrast Enhancement) and I used these settings: bias - neutral, strength - normal, and appearance - natural. It's important to get this step right, or else your image will appear too dark or washed out. We're at:

2. I applied the Sepia effect to my layer (Effects - Artistic Effects - Sepia Toning) and set the strength to 65. Now the icon looks like this:

3. Next, I created a new Raster layer and filled it with color #9b8267. I wanted to build on the sepia effect. I set the layer mode to 20% opacity, Dodge.

4. Then, I made a third Raster layer, and filled it with color #c1aa91. I set that to 60% opacity, mode Overlay. (This brought even more light into the image, but I don't think it was too much.) We're at this:

5. I typed the letter 'S' in Chancery Cursive, size in 14 point, I believe, and positioned it where I wanted it. Then, I followed that with 'orrow' to finish spelling out 'sorrow' in Chancery Cursive still, size 4, I think. Classic tiny text. :) I left the opacity at 100%, the mode normal. Now we're at

6. Then I sharpened my image twice by going to Enhance Photo - Sharpen (or Adjust - Sharpen - Sharpen.)

7. I wanted a neat border, so I added one, a brush I have used once or twice before. For the life of me, I can't recall who made it, though I believe I have everyone who's brushes/bases/etc. I've used credited in my resource post at my LJ. I simply opened it, copied it, and pasted it as a new layer onto my icon. I set it to Multiply, 70% opacity. It almost gives a cut-out effect, something I wasn't expecting, but liked.

Here is the brush I used for the border.

We're finally done! Whoo-hooo! :D

Hopefully this was not too confusing for you. If it was, do let me know, and I will go back and add in other steps, and try to put images with them. I'm still settling into writing icon tutorials, so be patient with me, pretty please. ;)

psp, tutorial

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