Okay, please bear in mind that this is my first time making a tutorial. ^.^
Skill Level: Easy-Peazy, but some experience with PSP and general photo-editing is [as always] helpful.
How to go from this:
to this:
using PSP8
I used a photo from emmawatson.us, and rotated, then cropped it to 100x100.
Step 1:
Fiddle with the image... sharpen, soften, etc, until you're happy with it. I didn't do anything with mine.
Step 2:
Copy this:
light texture from
hisatomi onto the background and
set it at Multiply at 50% opacity [fiddling is appropriate, as always].
Step 3:
Create a new raster layer. Use the selection tool to create a box in
the corner [I used the rounded square, but you can do any shape you
want], and flood fill it with #18563F. Then set it to Burn at 100%
Step 4:
Then hit Ctrl+D to deselect the selection, and go to the Text tool to
add the initials, or whatever text you want. I used the font Enchanted
Prairie Dog at size 18. Then Merge All (flatten), save, and you're
Like I said, feel free to fiddle, vary it, and make it your own.
If you used this, please comment, crediting would be very very very very nice ^.^, and I'd love to see what you all make with this!