I let that last question go a little longer in the hopes that someone else would be able to figure it out. I didn't think it would be that hard. Sorry about that guys. *shrugs*
Next questions:
Name two Hogwarts students who have kept spiders as pets.
Lee Jordan and Rubeus Hagrid
*a couple people said Ron because the twins had changed his Teddy into a spider. I don't believe that constitutes as a pet so I'm not giving points for it. Sorry.
Correct (2 points):
rainbow_brightkalierisdebs7cutestcouplequidditchmasterrissa333aoyana_jeze_belle_greenflamingogubbiegoldie_black Half-Right (1 point:
ttausagi_chanxshanimalxmater_robotic_cowgirldawnsdreamkdc4evr Incorrect: