Happy New Year, everyone! It's time to sign up for your favorite fest. Signups will be open from January 1 to January 31.
Signups are also open at the mirror community on InsaneJournal, but please only sign up ONCE. Don't forget to read the
username (lj and/or ij - please specify):Read more... )
username (lj and/or ij - please specify): LiveJournal Nikkilicious377
email address: psychopyro666 @ mchsi.com (without spaces, of course)
Are you over 18? Yes, I am 21 :)
Do you want us to post your fic if the recipient drops out? * Sure, I'll post it all over anyway once the fest is over because I'm a story whore like that, lol. :P
Would you be willing to do a pinch-hit if needed? No, I'm sorry, I won't have time.
Are you willing write het? Yes
Are you willing write slash? No
Are you willing write femmeslash? Yes, if nothing else is available
Are you willing write gen? Yes
3-10 preferred characters/pairings (remember that you can request slash, femmeslash, het and/or gen): Draco/Hermione, Draco/Hermione/Blaise, Draco/Hermione/Theodore Nott, Harry/Pansy, Ron/Pansy, Tom Riddle/Moaning Myrtle, Snape/Rita Skeeter
Wishlist of kinks or special elements you'd like included: Happy ending (not necessarily fluffy), High rating (R-NC17), Smut, Sexual tension, Plot and Character focus, Story twists, Babies, Hand jobs (male or female), Creative enviroments or settings, Dirty talk, Conversation/Dialogue, and EWE
Squicks or characters/pairings you don't want in your fic: No rape, non-con, dub-con, sickeningly sweet fluffiness (a little is okay), character death, OOC characters, and no main characters over the age of 25 (so no fics too far in the future after Hogwarts)
3-5 traditions or rituals that you are interested in: 1)The ritual of an Unbreakable Vow in the Harry Potter world. 2) Tradition of a wedding reception where the main pairing are NOT the ones who got married. 3)Baby naming tradition of Elizabethan England where babies were named after their godparents. 4)The Russian marriage tradition of that says in a marriage, the bride and the groom must buy a lock, write their names on it, lock it to the bridge and throw the key into the river, in order to keep their relation forever.
Any pairings aside from the ones you've listed that you are able to write: I'm willing to write any pairing (preferabbly het) that is NOT an adult HP character with someone who was a student, even if they are an adult now. So please no Snape/Hermione, Lucius/Hermione, Dumbledore/Harry, etc... Other than that, I am willing to write anything.
Any pairings you won't write: ** See above. No Snape/Hermione, Lucius/Hermione, Any adult male/Hermione, etc...
Any kinks or squicks you won't write: Blood play, Molestation, Rape
What genres can you/do you like to write? Dark!fics, Drama, Adventure, Action, General, Romance, Suspense, Light, Tragedy, etc.. (Any)
What genres can't you/don't you write? None
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