Happy New Year, everyone! It's time to sign up for your favorite fest. Signups will be open from January 1 to January 31.
Signups are also open at the mirror community on InsaneJournal, but please only sign up ONCE. Don't forget to read the
username (lj and/or ij - please specify):Read more... )
email address: xtinguishedflame@yahoo.com
Are you over 18? yes.
Do you want us to post your fic if the recipient drops out? * sure.
Would you be willing to do a pinch-hit if needed? absolutely.
Are you willing write het? yes.
Are you willing write slash? yes.
Are you willing write femmeslash? yes.
Are you willing write gen? yes.
3-10 preferred characters/pairings (remember that you can request slash, femmeslash, het and/or gen): Draco in any fic, as the main pairing (with Morag, Harry, Pansy, or even - if you want to write Scorpius WITHOUT shipping him with anyone - Astoria) or as any kind of main character is always a way to win my heart. Lucius and Narcissa are wonderful monogamous love. James/Lily and Remus/Sirius (or James/Lily/Remus/Sirius as a big awesome not-quite-platonic foursome) are always awesome. Rowena/Salazar or Founders-gen would be most welcome. Luna can be shipped with almost anyone (except Hermione and Ron, or any of the teachers, although I have a special love for Luna/Death Eaters like Bellatrix). Neville gen is something I've been craving for a long time.
Wishlist of kinks or special elements you'd like included: I'd actually like to challenge whoever writes for me to include no smut at all (although that doesn't mean it has to be gen, just don't talk about the sex). Instead, have fun exploring the characters in parts of their lives we don't know much about (during or after canon), twists on canon, or even in AU worlds (please make characterization/family structures the same if you go AU). See how many characters' lives you can tie together into a story and make them bounce off each other in a fairly plausible manner. Go where the characters (and plot) take you. :D
Squicks or characters/pairings you don't want in your fic: incest, necro, scat/urine, bestiality, teacher/student, OOCness/weak or overly perfect characters, bad grammar/spelling
3-5 traditions or rituals that you are interested in: solstice, new year's celebrations, honoring ancestors, creating friend/family traditions of set religious holidays
Any pairings aside from the ones you've listed that you are able to write: I much prefer Slytherins, Ravenclaws, and Hufflepuffs. I don't mind doing minor characters (Millicent and Ernie are among my favorites). I'm willing to give almost anything a try that doesn't involve the Trio or one of my squicks.
Any pairings you won't write: ** Hermione, Ron, or Harry with anyone but Draco. Hogwarts professors. Next generation. (I am willing to write professors and Next Gen kids as characters, but not in pairings.) Draco with anyone but the people I've listed, Lucius and Narcissa, James and Lily, or Remus and Sirius with anyone but their respective partners. Rowena and Salazar with anyone but each other.
Any kinks or squicks you won't write: everything listed in my squicks, plus toothache-y fluff and hardcore smut.
What genres can you/do you like to write? I work best with angst, although not all of my angst is extreme grief/death!fic type stuff. I have been able to pull off crack and shmoop, but I do better when the whole fic isn't suffused with it. XD
What genres can't you/don't you write? I would really prefer not to write a PWP.
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