Aug 28, 2005 07:13

Okay, I'm like, the worst mod in the history of mods. I'm sorry! Anyway. Second wave hath endeth, and you can find all the entries HERE, in the spanking Second Wave Memories list.

I'm going through the list to check that everyone's submitted their stuff and got their fic/art in return. If I've made a mistake, leave a note here. By the way, I'll be working on setting Hippogryffs on the offending parties, so if you're guilty, either post soon, or at least leave a note to say when it'll be done. Courtesy, people. Seriously. I dont want to be a bitch to you guys.

People who still have yet to post:
Art for Fic / Fic for Art

endaemion (Art for sethkyne_blue)
eiranea (Fic for hill_)
scary_sushi (Art for captainjames)

Fic for Fic

skmarrama (for rowanbrierbrook)
skyeathena and eiranea (I suppose if both of you dont participate, its even.)
alazysod (for katilara)
clocktowerkiss (for just_juxtaposed)

Art for Art

endaemion (for kelbardi)
halogirl8 (for elvenphoenix)
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