Title: Scorpius Malfoy's Very Bad Week
snegurochka_lee Pairings: Scorpius/James Jr./Teddy and permutations. Hints of background Harry/Draco
Rating: NC-17
Content: Consensual sex among people aged 16, 17 and 24. DH-compliant.
Word Count: ~25,000
Summary: The company of Gryffindors was bad enough. The company of naked Gryffindors - a Potter and a werewolf spawn, no less, and totally unasked for, thank you very much - was outrageous. The company of naked, muscled Gryffindors claiming a sodding Muggle prophecy device had foretold his seduction was just too much to take. All things considered, Scorpius Malfoy really was having a very, very bad week.
Notes: Written for
who_la_hoop at the 2008
hp_springsmut exchange, who asked for variations on the pairings in the above threesome, canon-based plot, angst and humour in equal measure, snarky dialogue, and a Hogwarts environment where not everyone is happily gay. Oh, and the Ouija board. Let's not forget about the Ouija board. Giant thanks to
secretsolitaire and
dora_the_nymph for the beta work.
Scorpius Malfoy's Very Bad Week - link goes to my IJ, although comments are welcome here if you don't have an IJ!