Title: Something About the Chase
Prompt Number: 148 submitted by
letmypidgeonsgo, originally written for the
hp_kinkfestRating: NC-17
Pairing(s): basically Lily Luna/everyone; Lily Luna/Teddy
Summary: Lily Luna Potter loves to fuck. She loves to fuck anyone, anywhere, anytime. She likes to fuck multiple people at the same time, in private and in public. She doesn’t care who sees her fuck, perhaps that person will see her, and want to fuck her themselves.
Content Notes/Warnings: (highlight to read)* Very, very kinky Very graphic sex, underage sex, though it’s consensual. Teddy is clearly older than Lily Luna so sex with a minor but she is sixteen, so she’s not technically still a child. But seriously, this is the porniest porn ever, you have been warned.*
Word Count: 9k
Author's Notes: Thank you to my awesome beta,
katofantastic who read this and edited it even though I know she wasn’t into it. Title and cut text courtesy of Lady Gaga’s You and I which I am for some odd reason obsessed with right now.
Somethin’, Somethin’ about my Lipstick on your Face