Title: The Bang and the Clatter
snegurochka_leePairing: Tom Riddle/James Jr., with some glimpses of Albus Severus, Harry, and Ginny
Rating: R
Words: 9,900
Warnings: Nothing specific and really, nothing worse than canon, but mind the general dark themes of the fest.
Summary: Suddenly, Tom's warm hand is covering James's, and James feels his fist relax under Tom's stroking thumb. "It's you who is extraordinary, James," whispers Tom, seeking James's gaze. "Not your brother. Don't ever forget that."
Notes: Written for
nextgendarkfest this year, for the following prompt: James has always been jealous of the attention his father and younger brother get. Enter Harry's not-quite-destroyed enemy, seductive and promising James all the fame and power he ever wanted. The title is from U2. Many thanks to
secretsolitaire and
melusinahp for the beta work.
The Bang and the Clatter