Title: O Tempora, O Mores
Characters: Scorpius Malfoy, Lily Potter, some Albus Potter
Rating: G
Length: just shy of 8,000 words
Summary: The more things change - well, the more different they seem to be.
Warnings: None, really.
Note: The title is a famous quote from Cicero. It means literally "Oh, the times! Oh, the customs!" It's used mostly when expressing the changed state or behavior of society.
Disclaimer: All recognizable names, places, etc., belong to J. K. Rowling and the various corporations who enable her.
The thing about the Potters - the Weasleys, rather, since they are the root of the family tree and thus the entire ensuing madness is their fault also - is that beyond their impudence and their cheek, they are a bunch of bloody shameless savages, the lot of them. Scarpering about the castle the way they do, with little regard for rules or consequences - Scorpius is amazed at how many times on his rounds he has caught someone or another of the brood, often banded together in small raiding parties with mischief in mind. He’s only been a prefect a few months, but he’s definitely had more than his share of run-ins with their family. Rarely does he find them in pairs or on solo excursions, which are easier to deal with since, like puppies, in larger numbers they seem to gain encouragement from one another’s idiocy.
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