TMF Quidditch World Cup

Aug 18, 2007 00:13

Saturday 8/18 @ 7pm in Dallas

Ludo Bagman and the Ministry of Magic are proud to announce the 2007 Quidditch World Cup in Dallas Texas, Aug 18th. The QWC is brought to you by the Texas Muggle Foundation, the leading organization in Muggle Treatment Acts, as well as the education of the Muggles to the Wizarding World.
The celebration will commence at 7:30pm at the Door in Dallas. Live music will be featured by such wrock bands as;

The Remus Lupins
The Whomping Willows
The Owl Post
The Mudbloods
and Thomas & Finnigan

Tickets are $10 online and $10 at the door.

x-posted to austin_hp
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