Title: The Trial Of Merope
fakers_journal Rating: Oh, definitely G. :-)
Characters: Merope, Barty Sr, Susan Bones, anonymous Court Guy.
Claim/Card: Seven Of Swords
Word Count: 826
Warnings: Erm... American-style trial? :D
Summary/Card interpretation: Merope's trial for giving love potion to an unsuspecting Muggle. Uh... Card interpretation? Kind of a mix between, "Quarrelling, a plan that may fail, annoyance," and, "Formulating complex schemes to seek victory." Hee. :-)
Merope S. Gaunt
United Kingdom of Wizards
JULY 28, 1987
On behalf of the defendant:
Merope S. Gaunt
On behalf of the plaintiffs:
Bartemius Crouch, Sr, Esquire
Amelia S. Bones, Head of Dept Magical Law Enforcement
Valerie S. Williams
Official Court Transcriber
THE CLERK: Proceeding this civil trial, this is civil action number 5211-88, Merope S. Gaunt, United Kingdom of Wizards. May the parties please step forward.
MR CROUCH: Good morning, everyone. My name is Bartemius Crouch, and I represent the plaintiffs, the United Kingdom of Wizards.
MS GAUNT: Hello, sir. My name is Merope Gaunt. I represent- (indistinguishable-sobbing).
THE COURT: Please, Ms Gaunt, sit down and gather yourself. It’s not going to help your case if you’re sobbing all through the trial.
MS GAUNT: Yes, sir.
THE COURT: Thank goodness. Now, Mr Crouch, as our defendant is currently incapacitated, why don’t you begin your case?
MS GAUNT: No, I’m perfectly fine! I can present now.
THE COURT: I believe I asked Mr Crouch to speak, didn’t I, Ms Gaunt?
MS GAUNT: Yes, you did. I’m sorry.
THE COURT: Please be seated, Ms Gaunt. Mr Crouch, present.
MR CROUCH: Yes, sir. May I call a witness to the stand?
THE COURT: Please do so.
MR CROUCH: As my first witness, I’d like to call Ms Gaunt herself.
THE COURT: Are you sure that is a wise decision, Mr Crouch?
MR CROUCH: Yes, sir, I am. Ms Gaunt, please come to the stand.
(Ms Bones and Mr Crouch confer. Ms Bones looks angry.)
THE COURT: Is there a problem, Ms Bones?
MS BONES: Of course not, Your Honor.
THE COURT: Then please question the witness before I explode of suspense.
MS BONES: Yes, sir.
MR CROUCH: Ms Gaunt. Do you know what a love potion is?
MR CROUCH: And are you aware of their illegal state?
MS GAUNT: Yes, I am.
MR CROUCH: Have you ever concocted a love potion, Ms Gaunt?
MR CROUCH: Have you ever asked another person to consume a love potion?
MS GAUNT: I have.
MR CROUCH: And has this person agreed?
MS GAUNT: No, he hasn’t.
MR CROUCH: Did you force him to drink it, then?
MS GAUNT: I did not force him, Mr Crouch, no.
MR CROUCH: Did your partner end up drinking the potion as a result of your actions, Ms Gaunt?
MS GAUNT: It depends on which way you look at it.
THE COURT: Ms Gaunt, do not evade questions. Answer yes or no.
MS GAUNT: Then I’ll go with no.
MR CROUCH: Where did you deposit the potion?
MS GAUNT: In his morning pumpkin juice.
MR CROUCH: And did he drink this pumpkin juice, ever morning?
MS GAUNT: Nearly, yes.
MR CROUCH: Have you ever forced him to drink the potion?
MS GAUNT: No. I would never do that to my husband.
MR CROUCH: Never once, when he forgot to drink his juice...?
MS GAUNT: Never.
MR CROUCH: Ms Gaunt, what will you plead in this case, when asked by the court?
THE COURT: Mr Crouch, that si not a permissible question. Ms Gaunt can not be asked to plead before I ask her. Ms Gaunt, you do not have to answer that.
MS GAUNT: Your Honor, if I may, could I answer if I wished?
THE COURT: Well, yes, if you wished.
MS GAUNT: I will plead guilty, Mr Crouch.
MR CROUCH: Well, that saved us a lot of time. Would you give a formal confession, Ms Gaunt, for the record?
MS GAUNT: May I say some thing first?
THE COURT: Please do, Ms Gaunt.
MS GAUNT: People ask me all the time, “Why did you do it? Why did you poison your husband to love you?” A love potion, my dear friends, is not a poison. The potion was to keep our love strong, to help the electricity along. I even drank some, from time to time, you see. It aided in our ability to say together. I admit, it did hurt me inside every day, to pour the potion in his morning pumpkin juice. He never knew about it, never once until I told him that fateful day... But yes, every morning I poured it into his drink while he was still in bed. There were those tricky morning when I slept in and he insisted on making breakfast... But it all worked out in the end, of course.
MS BONES: Does that count as a confession, Your Honor?
THE COURT: It’s on the record, yes, Valerie?
VALERIE: Yes, Your Honor.
THE COURT: Then yes, it’s a confession. Merope, for concocting a love potion, giving it to unknowing person or persons, and performing magic near Muggles, I sentence you to...two years in Azkaban. Court adjourned.
Hope you liked! See what happens when I get creative license and Google Image?
Sorry it's late! Only by...thirteen and a half hours... :P