Tarot fest award nominations please!

Sep 24, 2011 16:03

Awards nominations!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, at HP Tarot we always have awards. But these aren't just for the single best entry. You can nominate in ANY category you can think of! Bitterest Snape? Best use of colour? Most awesome use of symbolism? Most Epic Misuse of a Potion? Whatever you wish to praise, please do.

To nominate an entry for an award, please comment on this post (comments are screened) or email me directly at ravenna_c_tan at yahoo.com with your nominations. You may nominate as many entries as you like in as many categories as you like! The only rule is you may not nominate your own fic or art.

The awards will be in the form of banners one can post in one's user profile and journal, and every winner will also get their choice of one of the Magic University ebooks (a Tarot-themed erotic romance fantasy series by yours truly and published by Ravenous Romance).

And then we have the three big awards!
Favorite Art
Favorite Fic
Top Commenter

Even if you do not submit a nomination to a category of your own creation, please do vote for your favorites in these three "big" categories! Winners in these three will win a banner proclaiming their awesomeness and also their choice of the whole set of Magic U ebooks (4 novels & one anthology) or an autographed paperback of book one, The Siren & The Sword.


All votes and nominations must be posted or received in email by midnight Eastern USA time on October 1st.

Have fun! Use the master list for easy reference to all 16 fics and 17 pieces of art entered into this round!

Remember, all comments are screened, and anonymous comments are allowed, too.

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