Jul 15, 2011 13:26


This post is for signups for Round Four of the hp_tarot fest.


1. Make sure you have read the Fest rules & FAQ.
2. Check out the Claiming Table and choose a card that has NOT been previously filled in with the type of contribution you will make. In other words, if there's previously been a fic but no art for that card, it is available for art only. Likewise if it was previously done with art, but no fic, then it is available for fic. What's not available is marked as "DONE" and what is available has a blank spot under "Claimed by."
3. Also check the comments above your own to make sure someone didn't just claim it before we had a chance to update the chart.
4. STAKE YOUR CLAIM! By commenting to this post using the template provided below! (If you don't have an LJ, comment anonymously.)

You do not have to have any experience or prior knowledge of the Tarot for this fest. Total beginners are welcome.

Card Interpretation
When you claim a card, you may claim it based on the interpretation given in the master list OR you can provide your own interpretation! Did we say that this interpretation might suggest Ron Weasley, but you see Luna Lovegood instead? Go for it!

For writers: The card you choose from the list of available cards might suggest a main character to you, or a pairing, or it might suggest what the outcome of the story is. It's up to you. One example might be the Four of Swords, which can represent "A truce. Rest from Strife." Hmm, would that tempt me to write an AU where Draco goes to Harry for help in sixth year? Or where Harry makes peace with Snape before it's too late?

For artists: You do not have to try to make your art look like a "traditional" Tarot card. You could also do a comic, or something else entirely! However, if you want to make it look like a card, that's awesome, too.

When you post your claim, here's what you'll post in the comments:

Your Name/Nickname:
Pairing or Main Character:
Fic or Art?:
Your email address:
Preferred week of posting: (Pick one -- 1: Aug 22-26, 2: Aug 29-Sep 2, 3: Sept 5-9, 4: Sept 12-16, 5: Sept 19-23)
Card chosen:
Interpretation: (if different from what is in the table)

You may cut and paste that handy template text into your reply from here:

Your Name/Nickname:
Pairing or Main Character:
Fic or Art?:
Your email address:
Preferred week of posting: (Pick one -- 1: Aug 22-26, 2: Aug 29-Sep 2, 3: Sept 5-9, 4: Sept 12-16, 5: Sept 19-23)
Card chosen:
Interpretation: (if different from what is in the table)

For example:

Your Name/Nickname: Jane Doe/ficisforever
DW: (none, could I get an invite code?)
Pairing or Main Character: Harry/Draco
Fic or Art?: Fic
Your email address: jdoe at Yahoo
Preferred week of posting: week 2 please, aug 29 or later
Card chosen
The two of swords says Harry/Draco to me because of how it can represent opposites in conflict, but also in balance.

Your Name/Nickname: iluvharry
LJ: nope, got TOS'd off there
Pairing or Main Character: Scorpius Malfoy
Fic or Art?: Art
Your email address: Gmail: janetharding
Preferred week of posting: (As close to Sept 1st as possible please?
Card( chosen:
Ten of Pentacles can mean "family inheritance" so I will be using Scorpius in my picture.

This fest in the past has inspired a lot of representation from rarepairs and secondary characters, but has also welcomed a lot of the popular pairings and characters. Reminder: the fest is open to stories of all ratings, including R and NC-17. We are also open to all pairings, both the popular ones, and the rare ones. Alternate universes? Varying levels of canon-compliancy? Canon rewrites? All good!

Have questions after reading the FAQ? Drop an email to ravenna_c_tan at yahoo dot com. (Note: I'm going to be traveling in the UK from July 19-29 so access to email/LJ may be spotty for me during that time!)

CLAIM AWAY! Can't wait to see what everyone does!

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