Tarot Fest Award Nomination Post!

Sep 03, 2008 17:56

Replies to this post are screened, to keep all nominations confidential.

This is the post where you tell us what you liked in this round of hp_tarot! We are soliciting your nominations for the best fic and best art, based on the qualities that *you* found most appealing. Nominations close: on September 14th at midnight Eastern USA time.

Best characterization? Best use of color? Most exciting plot? Most squee-worthy moment? Make your nominations based on what you liked best! If a fic or piece of art stood out for you as award-worthy, nominate based on the quality you liked, or simply say it was "the best"!

There is no specific limit on how many awards we give out, but I would guess at least 8 stories and 8 pieces of art should be recognised. This isn't a competition per se, it's a chance to recognize high quality and outstanding achievement.

I would especially appreciate if artists would nominate art as I don't know beans about it, honestly. Best composition? Most evocative? Best figure drawing? Tell me what pieces moved you and why they deserve to be recognized. Likewise with fic: most surprising pairing (that worked)? best AU? most beautiful prose style? Nominations are very freeform, so speak up if something caught your eye! You need not read or see EVERY post, just nominate the ones you did find worthy of note! (To see the previous awards we have given, see this post: http://community.livejournal.com/hp_tarot/36149.html)

We'll also give awards to the best commenter(s)! So please do comment on the fics and art you enjoy. Comment often and in depth if you can!

All awards will be in the form of a banner suitable for posting in one's userinfo. If anyone would like to volunteer to make the banners, please comment also. :-)

A list of possible categories for those who really need them:
most romantic
best sex scene
best action scene
best AU
most inventive use of magic
best tarot interpretation
best prose style
most exciting plot
most squee-worthy moment
most surprising pairing
best supporting character
best canon characterization
best canon interpretation
best canon rewrite
best missing scene from canon
best darkfic
best rarepair
best _____ (fill in character here)

best use of colour
best painting
best watercolour
most evocative image
best digital painting
best composition
best visual interpretation
most original
most erotic
best ______ (fill in character here)

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