fest round 3, first weekly summary

Aug 09, 2008 19:19

We have reached the end of the first week. Direct from Terminus, here's what's been posted so far, so you have another chance to make sure you've seen everything.

leochi drew Knight of Wands and then completed the set with Seven of Cups and Three of Swords: Draco/Harry, PG

ravenna_c_tan wrote Part 1 and Part 2 (of 3) of Whoever Keeps Me: H/D, Snaco, NC-17

kath_ballantyne drew The Mother of Everything: Molly Weasley, R

yura_slash wrote The Arrows of Love Strike Without Warning: H/D, PG

winkout drew Temperance, Three of Coins, Three of Wands: many Blacks, and Snape, PG

lavillanueva wrote From Great Heights: Harry, Draco, R

Now on to week two!

round 3, summary, mod post

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