Art: The Star, by acidpop25

Feb 18, 2007 13:52

Title: Decisions
Author: acidpop25
Type: Art. Pencil & digital.
Main Character: Andromeda Black Tonks
Card: The Star
Card Interpretation: Hope, guidance by one's conscience or higher self.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Andromeda Black and anything in HP-verse aren't mine; they belong to JKR. No profit is made from this art.
Summary: Andromeda leaving home on the eve of her marriage to Ted Tonks.
Artist's Notes: Keira Knightley was my reference for this portrait, because she's very much how I see Andromeda in my mind. Here's the final version of the piece, as well as a link to the original pencil drawing. I did a version with the name of the card on it, as well, but it's not uploading for me at the moment... I may edit the post with it later.

(The Star)

card: the star, g, round 1, art, andromeda, by: acidpop25

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