Art: Page of Coins

Sep 01, 2007 19:05

Title: Page of Coins
Artist: kirasha
Type: Fiction, Art
Main character or Pairing: Severus Snape
Card: Page of Coins
Card Interpretation: "Application, study, scholarship." The Page is shown so entranced by his pentacle he ignores all else.
Rating: G
Disclaimer: JKR owns him, I just visualized him.  Give her the money (but if you find him, send him my way, yes?).
Warnings: none
Summary: "I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses ."  (Severus Snape, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)
Notes: The initial claim was for Young Severus studying the Dark Arts, but the more I worked, the more he kept wanting to go back to Potions.  I guess the rumors were wrong after all, he never did truly want the Defense postion with it's curse. ;-)  So, this is a Severus Snape just after the first war, losing himself to his potions work, perhaps working on a new formula of his own, instead of dwelling on recent events.

by: kirasha, round 2, g, art, fic, card: page of coins, snape

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